Getting older often means needing a bit more help, and fortunately, plenty of caring, compassionate resources are available to assist. One notable resource is available at Notre Dame du Lac Assisted Living Residence: Assisted Living. As seniors begin to plan for their future, they may need some assistance covering the monthly rate for Assisted Living.… Continue reading Does Long-Term Care Insurance Cover Assisted Living?
Category: Uncategorized
Funding Senior Living- A Podcast
Check out our latest podcast with Hank Stolz at Radio Worcester! Virginia Lehr connects to share information on what you need to know about assisted living communities. Listen here. Please contact Virginia to learn more!(508) 852-5800
Lifestyle Tips to Promote Heart Health
By Jean M. Chappuis, BC-ADM, MMSc, RD, CDE, MSWRegistered Licensed Dietitian forNotre Dame Health Care Long Term Care & Rehabilitation Center February is American Heart Month, a time to consider risk factors, both genetic and environmental, that impact your heart health! I am happy to share some helpful tips to help promote your own heart… Continue reading Lifestyle Tips to Promote Heart Health
What is Assisted Living? – A Podcast
Check out our latest podcast with Hank Stolz at Radio Worcester! Virginia Lehr connects to share information on what you need to know about assisted living communities. Listen here. Please contact Virginia to learn more!(508) 852-5800
Navigating the Guilt of Moving a Loved One to Assisted Living
Ensuring the health, safety, and overall well-being of an older loved one – especially a parent – can have its emotional challenges, especially if that means moving them to an assisted living community. It’s perfectly normal to feel sad, angry, and guilty. The love we have for our parents is powerful. They nurtured and took… Continue reading Navigating the Guilt of Moving a Loved One to Assisted Living
Tips for Talking About Making the Move to Assisted Living
Talking with senior parents about the transition to Assisted Living often presents new communication challenges. Many seniors fear leaving their homes and all they know, which might prevent them from openly discussing the idea. Due to the uncertainty of how parents will react, adult children might even avoid the topic altogether. According to the National… Continue reading Tips for Talking About Making the Move to Assisted Living
Talking Tips for a Family Conversation About Assisted Living
Frequent falls, injuries, mobility challenges, and difficulty with personal care can indicate it’s no longer safe for an older adult to live alone. The option many families choose is for a family member to care for them. Chronic illnesses and injuries can make it medically impossible to care for someone in the home, though. Realizing… Continue reading Talking Tips for a Family Conversation About Assisted Living
Comparing the Cost and Value of Assisted Living with Care at Home
For older adults and their families, choosing between an assisted living community and care at home can be overwhelming. It’s also common to assume that care at home is more cost-effective and a better value than assisted living. How do you decide? We’re here to help you compare the cost and value of assisted living… Continue reading Comparing the Cost and Value of Assisted Living with Care at Home
Virginia Lehr Shares Info About du Lac Assisted Living Residence’s “Winter Stay” Program
Click here for a link to the interview on Radio Worcester’s “Talk of the Commonwealth” with Hank Stolz. Please contact Virginia to learn more! (508) 852-5800
What to Look for When Touring an Assisted Living Community
Choosing to move into an assisted living community is a significant life change, and finding a community that meets your needs can be overwhelming and stressful. With approximately 28,900 assisted living communities with nearly 1 million licensed beds in the United States, finding the right community can take a lot of time and effort. Whether… Continue reading What to Look for When Touring an Assisted Living Community